Watch Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio of “Nashville” Arouse Sherri Shepherd on “The View”

Nashville remains my favorite network freshman drama this year; it may actually be the only new network drama I’m still watching, although the Hannibal pilot last week was kinda mind-blowing, so I definitely plan on sticking with that one. And although I’ve sensed Nashville growing ever-so-slightly more conventional with its pacing and storylines as the season has progressed, it is still an awesome showcase for Hayden Panettiere’s bitchery and Connie Britton’s reaction shots.

And the music! Oh, the T-Bone Burnett-produced music is just marvelous. And while Connie and Hayden have been, you know, fine, they are frequently upstaged by the actual musicians in the cast — specifically covert Aussies Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio, who co-star as aspiring country duo Scarlett and Gunnar. Check them out melting the stage and causing a ruckus in Sherri Shepherd’s uterus with their performance of the Nashville track, “If I Didn’t Know Better.”

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