Hear New Music from Neko Case in Album Trailer + New Single

Album trailers: if they weren’t a thing before, they’ve now been legitimized by the above-reproach credibility of Neko Case. In the brief clip above, we’re treated to some appropriately gothic Case-ian imagery (wilderness, taxidermied animal heads, red hair billowing in the wind) as we listen to a new clip from her upcoming album, The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You. As someone who found Middle Cyclone a bit too MOR-radio for my liking, I’m thrilled to hear the return of that haunted noir quality I loved so much on Blacklisted and Fox Confessor. In addition to 11 eleven original songs, the new album will also feature a cover of Nico’s “Afraid,” which just makes me all puffy down there.

But that’s not all! Case has also released a full song from the album, featuring M. Ward, called “Man.” It’s more uptempo and rocking than the clip in the trailer, but in a totally awesome way. Check it out below.

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