Anna Camp in Spoof Horror Trailer About Not Getting Invited to Things

How long has “FOMO” been a thing that we say? I saw someone post about it on Facebook this morning while asking people to stop raving about Bjork’s Bay Area concert residency; “I had total FOMO last night” he complained, and I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about. Funnily enough, I’d already watched the clip above a few days ago, which is titled “FOMO Movie Trailer,” but I guess I was content to chalk it up as yet another acronym I didn’t understand. Now I get it: fear of missing out. Sure. Why not.

Anyway! In this clip, the wonderful Anna Camp (Pitch Perfect, True Blood, The Help) plays a young woman who gradually realizes that, as Mindy Kaling so perfectly expressed in her memoir title, everyone is hanging out without her. (Incidentally, Camp also had a role on The Mindy Project that appears to have been scrapped during the first-season overhaul.) The whole thing is set up like a horror movie trailer, and it’s pretty hilarious.

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